Star Citizen New Players Guide

Written by Ivo Teel -

Get ready to venture into the limitless galactic realm of Star Citizen, a premier example of immersive, realistic, and exciting multiplayer space simulation! This amazing game puts you in the pilot seat to gain a glimpse into a lively and breathing universe full of real opportunities. 

Nevertheless, more than windfall offerings, it's a great challenge for a newbie player to pick the right place to start. With that, let's get you started on a great journey in Star Citizen. The guide will help you take off and point in the right direction.

Getting Started

If you haven't done so before, the first step is to set up your account. Make sure to enter referral code - STAR-2BRX-G6MQ, as that will help you have 5K Star Citizen AUEC (the game's currency) in your new account.

The following step is selecting a game package to get the starter ship. Avenger Titan or Mustang Alpha packs are stunning options for beginner players. An Avenger is a tough and multi-purpose platform that performs well in stowing cargo, bounty hunting, and combat operations. The Mustang is more agile but less powerful.

After deciding on the package, you should spend time configuring control, graphics, and input devices like joysticks or TrackIR. By default, the experience works fine, but you might like to adapt it to your play style.

Leaving the Station

After you've spawned at your initial holder's base, you first need to spawn your starter ship from the ASOP (ArcCorp Security & Operations Platform) outpost. You can see your ships on this menu and choose to get them to a hangar or landing pad by summoning.

Board your ship and power it up. Ask ATC (Air Traffic Control) for take-off clearance, and you are good to go! Give yourself some time to get a grip on the basic ship controls, such as strafe, decoupled mode, and speed limiter controls.

Your First Jobs

Once familiar with the basics, it's time to get UEC and improve your ships, weapons, and gear. There are several primary career paths:

Mercenary & Bounty Hunting provide quick credits through high-risk combat missions that are very dangerous. As a bounty hunter, search for criminal NPCs and receive a bonus. Mercenary jobs include attacking enemy objects. Both involve proper dogfighting and FPS combat. Advance ship's weapons, shields, and coolers for an edge, and practice in complicated tactics.

Mining is very lucrative but demanding. You will need an industrial mining ship like the Prospector. Utilize specific devices to find and remove valuables from asteroids and planets. Mining loop play is unique and diverse, managing mining lasers, cargo, and material scanners. High risk and potential for huge wins.

Hauling and Deliveries is a risk-free career option in which you use your starter ship's cargo hold for shipping and transport jobs. Take on local delivery missions or try freelance hauling while purchasing cargo and selling it at the other ports. As you earn more capital over time, acquire bigger and special trucks that will increase your profit margins.

Develop ship cargo modules to successfully transport high-yielding but dangerous products. The economics of supply/demand and the intricacy of planning the network routes contribute to this professional way of life.

On your mobile, check for the job boards there; you shall find available missions that match your desired profession. By performing the contracts, you gain recognition, opening more high-paying options. The first order of business is to run the basic missions to get initial capital before going off on your own voyage. Sometimes, they keep emergency funds for such repairs and expenses when a job goes wrong. The more you practice and are equipped with better tools, the faster you advance through the career ladder. You can also buy Star Citizen UEC to get an initial boost in your gameplay. 

Advanced Gameplay

As you progress, you are presented with many options. You can engage in everything, including open PvP fights, joining organizations, purchasing larger ships and vehicles, trading between systems, and even some illegal activities like piracy or raiding drug labs.

Learn how to manage power, coolers, shielding, and overclock-specific components for maximum performance in battle. Utilize techniques like minimizing your IR and EM signatures for stealth or engaging enemy missiles with countermeasures.

Look into every corner of the map because the game offers you very realistic cities with stations, empty towns, garages, caves, and many other locations. Continue upgrading your equipment, ships, and vehicles by visiting the vast array of shops established to meet the needs of ruthless mercenaries.

Community & Support 

An impressive community, one of the strongest points of the Star Citizen project, plays a key role in its further development. The official site Welcome Hub provides access to guides, tutorials, and mentoring from professional players using the Guide System.

Be a member of the Organization to operate large capital ships, work with others in joint activities, and become friends with other pilots who share your interests. Don't forget to explore various official forums, Discord servers, and YouTube channels assisting beginners and experienced Citizens.

Perseverance is the key, and give yourself enough time to learn the basics of the mechanics. This Star Citizen universe will be rid of you with boundless adventure and limitless opportunity waiting to be snatched. The future is limitless in this community-driven sci-fi world. See you in the depths of space, Citizen!

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