Only a month before The World After is launched

Written by Jack Allin -

Now that we're more than a year into the pandemic, we're starting to see more games that actually incorporate the trials of COVID-19 into their stories. One such game due out next month is indie developer Burning Sunset's The World After, a point-and-click FMV adventure set during the 2020 lockdown in France. 

Players control a young man named Vincent, a writer who has "fled the city in order to work on his new book." After settling in a remote village, however, Vincent soon begins experiencing strange recurring nightmares that "push him to look for the truth" behind a mystery concealed in this seemingly harmless little town. His search leads him to investigate an old castle, at which point he "finds a way to switch between night and day" even as he begins to be chased a "dreadful monster" known only as The Nightwatcher.

Created by "movie designers and artists," The World After is a live-action adventure that aims to meld "old-school point and click mechanics and modern cinematography technology." There will be more than thirty unique environments to explore, a memorable cast of characters to meet and interact with, choices to make, puzzles to solve, and eleven "secret logs" to collect along the way to one of three different endings. And as if the game itself weren't enough, there is even "a whole visual novel to unlock as a bonus."

We'll all still be masked and physically distanced when The World After arrives, as the game is due to launch on Steam sometime in April for Windows and Mac.