Meaningful entertainment arises South of the Circle

Written by Ivo Teel -

South of the Circle is an emotional narrative experience exploring the relationship between Peter and Clara, Cambridge academics caught up in the political conflict of the Cold War. The story focuses on the weight of life choices - between career, true love and the desire to keep our promises.

You follow the story of Peter. Tangled in life-defining choices and torn between pursuing either career or true love, he finds himself in the middle of behind-the-scenes strife between military powers. Set in a Cold War reality, the game is defined by its story, stretching between past and present, minimalist aesthetics, and exceptional writing and voice acting which delivers an experience resembling top-tier cinema. Among talents heard on-screen are Gwilym Lee (“Bohemian Rhapsody”), Olivia Vinall (“The Woman in White”), Richard Goulding (“The Crown”), Anton Lesser (“Game of Thrones”), Adrian Rawlins (“Chernobyl”), and Michael Fox (“Downton Abbey”).

“[...] South of the Circle is heavily-focused on storytelling inspired by world-class cinema, which makes it a bit different from our previous titles. Once players experience its instantaneously engaging, emotion-packed narrative, we're convinced they'll understand why we wanted to have it in our publishing portfolio. And we’re thrilled to be able to start working with State of Play since it’s a studio that has been on our radar for a long time”.

There is currently no target release date for this game, but South of the Circle will be launched on Steam and for Windows PC upon completion. You can follow its progress through the official website.

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