First details unearthed for The Adventures of Bryan Scott

Written by Jack Allin -

Many adventure games claim to be inspired by Broken Sword, but few if any can do so with as much conviction as indie German developer Radio Silence Studios, whose upcoming The Adventures of Bryan Scott not only seeks to emulate the "depth and charm" of Revolution's acclaimed classic series, but will star the voice of George Stobbart himself, Rolf Saxon, in the lead role.

Bryan Scott is the son of the famed archaeologist John W. Scott, who spent many years searching for the fabled treasure of the Queen of Sheba before his death. Bryan has long felt compelled to follow in his father's footsteps, and in 2025 he gets his chance when he receives a mysterious package containing the diary of Kate Williams, who was hunting for the treasure herself before she mysteriously disappeared. Now, "not entirely voluntarily," Bryan travels to the Near East to search for Kate, but there he encounters a secret society known as "The Black Fist," who are seeking the legendary treasure as well. And so the race is on and "a dangerous and exciting adventure begins."

Animated frame by frame and presented in a lovely hand-painted HD art style with contributions from two former Daedalic employees, The Adventures of Bryan Scott will play very much like its acclaimed inspiration, with an intuitive smart cursor, single-click interface, and a variety of puzzles to solve along the way. There will also be numerous characters to interact with – not all of them human – and some may prove to be helpful companions. Perhaps the biggest draw for Broken Sword fans, however, will be the voice of Saxon as Bryan (and for German players, Saxon's localized counterpart Alexander Schottky in the same role). The first major setting to explore will be the Ethiopian city of Aksum, but there will be more locations to visit over the course of the game, each promising just enough "futuristic elements" to "spice up the overall realistic setting" without tipping over into overt sci-fi. 

While The Adventures of Bryan Scott isn't due to be complete for Windows and Mac until late next year or early 2023, there is something to look forward to in the meantime, as a playable demo is expected before the end of 2021 to coincide with a Kickstarter campaign to help finance production. There is currently no dedicated website for the game, but regular updates are provided through the developer's Discord channel and anyone interested is encouraged to join directly or contact them at for a personal invitation.