Creepy Tale 2 to sneak out in July

Written by Jack Allin -

Fairy tales may often end with a happily ever after, but a Creepy Tale can only spawn even more sinister sequels, like the one we'll get this summer from Deqaf Studio.

Telling an entirely different story than its 2020 predecessor, Creepy Tale 2 follows the travails of a boy named Lars, who just barely managed to escape when "spooky guests" attacked his family's house. His little sister Ellie wasn't so fortunate, however, being captured, mind-controlled and kidnapped by the invading monsters. If he's to save her, young Lars will need to venture out into the "magical and very unfriendly world," overcome his fears and confront the malicious forces of evil plaguing the forest realm. 

As with the first game, Creepy Tale 2 is a bleak but beautiful hand-painted side-scrolling adventure with an eerily oppressive colour palette that attempts to evoke the "creepy tension of a brothers Grimm fairy tale." You'll encounter a variety of different characters, some of whom are harmless while others mean you no good, but malevolent creatures aren't the only challenges you'll need to deal with among the "spinning carousel of events" that occur during your adventure, as once again you'll also need to solve "numerous" puzzles along the way. 

There is no specific release date just yet, but Creepy Tale 2 is due to be launched on Steam sometime in July. 

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