Catsperience nips onto Steam

Written by Jack Allin -

Adventure game developers seem to have caught on how awesome cats can be as protagonists, with feline-driven titles like Nine Noir Lives and Stray on the horizon. Beating both of them to the punch, however, is Catsperience, a more authentic-styled animal adventure from indie Hungarian studio Black Vertigo. 

Players assume first-person (first-kitty?) control of a "sarcastic tomcat addicted to catnip." As a fully domesticated "blue-blooded" pet who's used to having your every need met, your life takes an unexpected turn for the worse when the food runs out and your human provider goes missing. If you're to solve the mystery – and more importantly, fill your belly once again – you'll need to exercise your feline ingenuity and agility to explore the house for answers. And while you're at it, perhaps hunt some "pesky running squeaking meatbags" and "push things off tables and destroy furniture" while you're at it, because that's what cats do. 

Described as a simulator that provides the chance to experience what it's like to "live as a jerk cat without the consequences," Catsperience is a humorous take on the "daily struggles of being a cat." Set in an old Victorian-styled home, the game plays like "an escape room game with some 3D platformer elements," in which you must "jump onto shelves and furniture, discover clues often through destruction, solve puzzles, and explore the mansion room by room." Better yet, you'll be able to understand what your snobbish furry avatar has to say about it all, thanks to the game's "Catlator" that translates meows into subtitled English.

If you're ready to get your paws on Catsperience, you can pounce right away as the game is available now on Steam for Windows PC.

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