ADAM VANDELL: A New Third-Person Sci-Fi Adventure

Written by Ivo Teel -

Atmosphere Entertainment Studios has announced a new game called ADAM VANDELL, a stand-alone sequel to the 2002 point-and-click adventure game VANDELL - KNIGHT OF THE TORTURED SOULS. The game will be a third-person sci-fi adventure featuring elements of the point-and-click genre such as inventory, puzzles, and dialogues.

Set in a future world, ADAM VANDELL follows the story of a police detective living in the rain-soaked mega-city of La Herida 5. Struggling with the demons of his past, Vandell becomes involved in a hunt for the "Ghost of Shimai," a serial killer terrorizing the city's entertainment district. One of the victims is the daughter of a powerful crime lord.

The gameplay will feature classical point-and-click mechanics with a third-person view and a mouse-controlled interface on the PC version. The puzzles are designed to be creative but realistic, given the serious setting and ambiance. The game will be released as a complete package, with no planned DLCs except for a possible soundtrack. The playtime is expected to be around 10 hours.

At this time, the target platform for ADAM VANDELL is PC, with the potential for later releases on major consoles. A release date has yet to be announced. Atmosphere Entertainment Studios has released several screenshots of the game, which showcase the immersive storyline and high-quality visuals.

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