Memory becomes reality on Steam

Written by Jack Allin -

Memories are terribly unreliable things due to the effects of time, perception, and even the emotional impact of events being recalled well after the fact. In fact, they can often become entirely misleading. It'll be your task to sort the wheat from the chaff, so to speak, to discover the secrets of a sleepy country town in indie developer Soft Paw Studio's recently released Memory

Players control a young man sent to stay with his grandmother for the summer in the quiet rural town of Woodland Park, a "beautiful cozy retreat far away from the stress of modern life." But perhaps the calm is just a facade covering up something the locals want desperately to conceal. As you begin to explore, you'll discover that "the inhabitants you meet carry tales of [long] forgotten secrets from a buried past that will not stay hidden." You suspect that "a single terrible event forever changed Woodland Park and your task is to unveil the truth," but who can you believe? Can you even trust Alicia, a beautiful young woman who "captures your heart and will lead you deeper into the town’s dark past?"

Memory is described as a third-person "story-driven exploration adventure where attention to detail is crucial." In your travels, you must "retrieve memories, collect radio transmissions, solve puzzles and piece together the story and timeline of the mysteries of Woodland Park." This won't be a simple matter, however, because the various townsfolk all "have different accounts and different perspectives," so you'll need to determine which stories have been "twisted" or become "warped over time." So listen closely to what they say, as only "a fresh take and a sharp mind can ... solve the dark mystery that has haunted the small country town for years." 

Originally released on Steam for Windows PC on April 29th, the game has since received a number of updates to enhance the gameplay experience.  

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