Buck Bradley sequel to leap onto PC and mobile devices next month

Written by Jack Allin -

Fans of the comic book-styled 2017 adventure Buck Bradley: The World to Come will be pleased to know that the titular hero of Terrastramba will soon be back in an all-new installment. But while the first taste was free, this time it's gonna cost you, as The Sand and the Techno-pyramid will be sold commercially on a broader range of platforms.

The first game in a planned four-part series introduced a world "devastated by pollution, where the air, water and food transform people into mutants." A young woman named Ciroki was preparing to share her true feelings towards Buck Bradley when suddenly she was "transformed into a small monster by a pink cloud." And so together the two of them set out on a "strange bicycle with wheelbarrow-sidecar" in search of a way to return Ciroki to human form. Flash forward a year and Ciroki is captured by a farmer who "wants to make her into a tasty stew." To save his friend, the protagonist must "restore the farm to its former glory, bringing back electricity, heating and maybe turning the carnivorous cows that are running amok, back into herbivores." 

But that was then and this is now. In the sequel, Buck and Ciroki are on a train bound for New Milan, where "it seems that the creator of this futuristic city, who everyone calls the Architect, may have the knowledge to make Ciroki human again." There's just one problem: while en route, their train is hijacked by what looks like "fashion-conscious bedouins from the desert...riding giant scorpions." Held prisoner by this unusual band of outlaws but free to roam around, the pair must find a way to rescue their fellow passengers and escape. 

As with its predecessor, the new game is presented like an interactive comic book, but in all other respects it's a traditional point-and-click adventure filled with items to collect, puzzles to solve, and bizarre characters to interact with through comedic dialogue. You can even utilize Ciroki as inventory to make use her of her unique attributes at times. 

There isn't a definitive release date just yet, but Buck Bradley: The Sand and the Techno-pyramid is not far off, with an expected launch sometime in May. And this time it won't just be coming to mobile devices, but to Windows and Mac on Steam, as well as the App Store and Google Play once again. In the meantime, if you missed it the first time around you can get caught up on The World to Come on iOS and Android devices. A PC port will also be released next month.