The Black Widow creeps onto PC and mobile devices

Written by Jack Allin -

Murder mysteries are fairly common in the adventure genre, but instead of scouring crime scenes and interrogating suspects in the newly-released The Black Widow, here you'll have to solve a historical real-world case using only your wits and a Ouija board. 

Based on the "true case of Australia's first female serial killer, Louisa Collins, who was the last woman to hang in the state of New South Wales," The Black Widow has been "faithfully reenacted from original court records and letters." To determine if she was rightly or falsely accused, you must "listen to Louisa as she speaks from the grave and generate your own lines of inquiry using an onscreen spirit board." In doing so, the game hopes to challenge players to "reflect on their own prejudices and reconsider the verdict of a contentious legal case. Was the accused a callous adulteress, drunkard, and liar – or a victim of sexist expectations and misogyny?"

The game begins when you "discover an old photograph that reanimates with the spirit and memories" of Collins herself. Not unlike a Victorian era Her Story, the goal here is to "hear the full story" by probing important topics via keyword. In order to communicate with the deceased, "all you need to do is use the spirit board to spell your messages" and she will "respond if your queries are relevant to what she has to say." As "more story is revealed, the picture frame increasingly becomes covered in gold" to indicate your progress.

If you're up for a little supernatural investigation, there's no need to wait, as The Black Widow is available now on Steam for Windows and Mac, along with the App Store for iOS devices, with an Android version expected soon.