Fireflies generates buzz with Steam release

Written by Jack Allin -

If you've been jonesing for a bit more Little Nightmares or INSIDE-style puzzle-platforming, look no further than indie developer Smart Studio's newly released Fireflies.

As to be expected of just such a game, little has been revealed about the plot of Fireflies, which is intended to offer a "gameplay-driven, self-interpretive storyline." What we do know is that it takes place in a "mysterious world" filled with "dangerous corners" that must be explored. The protagonist is a boy who is lost but not alone on a "perilous quest for light" that will force him to deal with "painful experiences" along the way.

The voxel-based presentation will be even darker than its inspirations, literally and perhaps figuratively, as teased in the latest trailer released. Within this "dense atmosphere," players will face a variety of "physics-based puzzle platforming" that includes destructable objects which will help (or hinder) you in achieving your goals.

Having flown largely under the radar until now, the best news of all is that Fireflies is now upon us, having just launched on Steam for Windows PC.

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