The Boy Who Typed Wolf now on Steam, really

Written by Jack Allin -

Often Myst-style games are done in the same graphically realistic style as the seminal Cyan classic, but indie developer Enigma Pendulum has gone a different route, using a hand-drawn slideshow presentation for its newly-released puzzler, The Boy Who Typed Wolf.

While few story details have been revealed, The Boy Who Typed Wolf is based around a "real ancient mystery which remains unsolved to this day." Exactly what that mystery is will be left for players to piece together for themselves, but the game will explore some "lesser known entries in Greek mythology" along with both ancient and recent discoveries that combine to "highlight a darker narrative of Zeus worship in a specific Greek mountain where the events of the game take place."

While the visual design is decidedly un-Myst-like, the puzzle focus and point-and-click presentation is very much so, though promising to "modernize elements of old-school first person perspective adventure games" for a more user-friendly experience. It also rewards the observant gamer with "secrets hidden throughout the map," giving the experience "replayability and an additional layer of challenge by unlocking new evidence, new areas and an alternate ending."

For puzzle-adventure fans, the best news of all is that the game is already here. Having been developed under the radar and stealthily released, The Boy Who Typed Wolf is available now on Steam exclusively for Windows PC. 

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