My Big Sister relatively close to completion

Written by Jack Allin -

Sibling rivalries aside, when push comes to shove there's no bond stronger than family. At least, that had better be true for the stars of Stranga Games' indie adventure My Big Sister, available on Steam Early Access. 

The little sister in this game is Luzia, a "12-year-old girl with a very sarcastic and playful attitude" who is abducted by strangers along with her older sister Sombria, a "19-year-old with a severe attitude but a warm side when no one is looking." As if their kidnapping weren't bad enough, one night circumstances go from bad to worse when Sombria is afflicted by a mysterious fate that makes it hard to tell if she's "a ghost, a guardian, a walking corpse or still alive." Either way, it's up to Luzia to figure out a way to get her sister home safely. 

My Big Sister features the same kind of top-down, retro RPG-style presentation as the developer's previous game, Just Ignore Them. Directly controlling Luzia, players will have to "solve puzzles, uncover mysteries, find clues and escape the clutches of insanity" in order to succeed. But keep a sharp eye out for bonus content as well, as the game promises to "filled with secrets and easter eggs" along the way.

Released on Steam Early Access some time ago, My Big Sister has gradually expanded chapter by chapter ever since. Now the game is complete, with all ten chapters fully playable and just a few final translations to go before being considered final.

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