Better believe Deluded Mind is coming in June

Written by Jack Allin -

Hopefully you've never had a bad drug trip, but if you've ever wondered what one would feel like, next month you can find out from the comfort of your own home in indie German developer Pyxton Studios' upcoming psychological horror game, Deluded Mind.

Deluded Mind puts players in the role of Dean Catrall, an "FBI agent whose daughter was murdered by a criminal organization looking for revenge." Matters get even worse, however, when you and your partner are both captured during an operation, locked away in the Hillstone Asylum, and given a "potent hallucinogen." If you're to find your partner and escape, you will need to explore the psychiatric institution and solve a variety of puzzles even as the line between reality and terrifying illusion becomes indistinguishable, thrusting you into a veritable "hell on earth." 

The game is presented in first-person 3D, allowing you to freely roam the eerily-lit environments, but what starts out seeming fairly normal quickly devolves into horrifying apparitions. It's not just the sights that become frightening either, as every sound is being designed to "freeze the blood in your veins." As these manifestations are coming from your drug-addled mind, along the way you will be confronted by your own past. Promising to add both tension and intrigue to the experience, randomly generated events ensure that no two playthroughs are alike, and "the longer you need to solve a puzzle or solve it incorrectly, the harder the hallucinogen will punish you." 

With production fairly far along, it won't be long before we see Deluded Mind released, with a target launch date for Windows PC on Steam scheduled for June 15th. In the meantime, you can learn more about the game through its official website.

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