Alice and the Magical Islands appears on mobile radar

Written by Jack Allin -

Many of us may equate the name "Alice" with Wonderland, but Lewis Carroll's heroine isn't the only Alice to take fantastical journeys. Case in point: the titular protagonist of GameStylus's newly-released mobile exclusive Alice and the Magical Islands

The new game is actually the third in an ongoing series from the indie Czech studio, though no prior knowledge is necessary. In the freeware debut Alice: Reformatory for Witches, Alice is imprisoned for showing magical abilities, and must escape in order to discover "a different world than ours where she can do incredible things." In the first commercial sequel Alice and the Magical Dragons, the young protagonist has arrvived in the wizarding world but must conceal the fact that she comes from the land of humans until she's undertaken a dangerous journey to prove that she belongs. At the start of the third game, Alice now "happily lives in her castle in the magical world, but the mighty sorcerer Darold M. doesn't like this." When she discovers his plans to punish her, Alice "escapes and follows the footsteps of the three wizards who once were Darold's friends." 

All three games in the series are hand-painted, third-person point-and-tap adventures taking players on fantastical voyages. Having passed through castle dungeons, forests, mountains, caves and deadly swamps to get here, in the latest installment Alice finds herself in a charming island setting "full of spells and magical objects." Gameplay once again promises to be very traditional, with "lots of items to collect and many tasks to solve," with a handy "SuperHelp" feature to help if needed.

The first two games were released in 2016 as mobile exclusives, and as with its predecessors, Alice and the Magical Islands is available only on iOS and Android devices.