Demo detected for The Grimsworth Reports: Woodfall

Written by Jack Allin -

While many quaint little towns are inviting and friendly and warm places to visit, in adventures you can be sure they're all concealing something they don't want you to know. That's perfect for the prying eyes and minds of gamers, and would-be detectives will get the chance to unearth another town's hidden secrets in The Grimsworth Reports: Woodfall, coming later this summer. 

Players assume the role of Chuck Grimsworth, a down-to-earth special government agent who is "tasked with investigating reports of bizarre, unexplainable, and assumptively paranormal events." When called in by the deeply troubled sheriff of Woodfall, Chuck soon discovers a "bloody crime scene with gory, horrifying cult symbols left on each wall." But the deeper he probes, the more questions arise out of the "personal revelations about the lives and mannerisms of Woodfall’s denizens." It appears that "there’s more than just one mystery to solve in this town, and each decision you make and conversation you carry on brings with it the opportunity to open new game paths – and close other doors forever."

The Grimsworth Reports is a side-scrolling mystery that can be controlled either by mouse, keyboard, or gamepad, although in all other respects it promises to play like a traditional 2D, hand-painted point-and-click adventure. There will be puzzles to solve, items to find and use, and even side quests to complete, the latter depending on how you choose to approach the game. Players will need to converse with the local townsfolk, with branching dialogue options that determine which story path you take, ultimately culminating in one of three different endings. 

Though the final PC release of The Grimsworth Reports: Woodfall is not due until sometime in August or September, you can catch a first-hand sneak peek of the game through its downloadable demo while you wait. 

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