Take notice of Just Ignore Them release on Steam

Written by Jack Allin -

Horror stories are famous for things that jump out at you unexpectedly, but in the case of Just Ignore Them, it's the game itself that caught us completely off guard, stealthily releasing on PC with no prior fanfare. 

Just Ignore Them stars an eight-year-old boy who lives with his work-at-home mother and is "tormented by monsters that live in his house." As we can probably all attest, "one night can feel like a lifetime of pain, suffering and horror to a child," but in your misery it'll be your job to "discover the mystery of the invading monsters." Along the way, you will be given "a glimpse into the future which can be altered by the choices you make," leading to one of several different possible endings. 

Presented in a retro pixel art RPG style featuring a nearly top-down view, Just Ignore Them promises to be largely story-driven but does contain puzzles to solve in order to proceed. Expected to provide "a few" hours of gameplay for a single playthrough and budget-priced accordingly, the different decisions you can make offer the game a degree of replayability, though the ultimate outcome will be the same in each, setting up a possible sequel later on. 

Available now for Windows PC on Steam, you can try before you buy thanks to the downloadable demo that will give you a good idea of what to expect from the complete game.  

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