Dark Grim Mariupolis to see the light this summer

Written by Jack Allin -

Thor is coming! No, I don't mean the Norse god of thunder, not even Marvel's superhero version of same. I'm talking about the very un-super hero in the upcoming indie point-and-click adventure Dark Grim Mariupolis.

This game is about a robot detective named Thor, who has lost his way in life, about his dinosaur neighbour who has lost his body, about a warlock who has lost his soul, and about the oppressive city of Mariupolis and the ancient evil that plagues it. If that sounds narratively vague, it's entirely intentional, as players will need to guide Thor in rediscovering his purpose without falling victim to the "sudden whims of Pentaculus, a grim god stretching its hands out over the whole city." The risk of death is real, and "the only things guarding you from its baneful influence are sarcasm and arrogance."

This very unusual backdrop promises to combine "noir, Greek mythology, magic, mysticism, hopeless entourage of Greco-Roman Age of Decadence and stifling everyday routine." Further reinforcing its surreal atmosphere are the minimalist, monocrhomatic graphics and "confusing, strange music of no visible source." As you conduct investigations and solve puzzles, you will occasionally be required to make moral choices, even as you deceive people and conceal your true intentions.

There is no firm timeframe for the release of Dark Grim Mariupolis, but the game is currently on track for completion sometime this summer. In the meantime, in order to get it on Steam the developers have launched a Greenlight campaign that is seeking public support.

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