New face of episodic adventuring is Sally Face

Written by Jack Allin -

With all due respect to Johnny Cash, the boy named Sue ain't got nuthin' on indie developer Steve Gabry's boy named Sally Face, the star of a new episodic series that just debuted on Windows and Mac.

Having what is traditionally a girl's name is just one of the titular character's unusual traits, as he also happens to have "blue pigtails, a prosthetic face and a mysterious past." As you can imagine, these might present certain hurdles for a teenager, and indeed the series will be about Sally "dealing with the many oddities and hardships in his life." The first episode, called Strange Neighbors, sees Sally and his father "move into a new apartment filled with odd tenants and an unfortunate crime scene."

Described as a "casual, story-driven" adventure, the side-scrolling Sally Face is controlled either by keyboard or gamepad. In all other respects, however, the gameplay sounds quite traditional, as you must "interact with different objects in the environment, collect inventory items, talk to NPCs and solve puzzles." Gabry has five episodes planned for the first "season" of Sally Face adventures. Each installment will be quite short, offering less than an hour of gameplay to parallel a television cartoon, and will have its own central narrative focus, though with a larger story arc connecting the episodes together.

Episode One - Strange Neighbors is available now for Windows and Mac exclusively on