Kickstarter spells success for dream explorer ZED

Written by Jack Allin -

The legacy of Myst is still going strong, not only with the upcoming release of Cyan's own Obduction, but with a slew of new indie adventures coming fast and furious. The latest to join the growing stable of 3D exploratory puzzle-adventures is ZED, which recently achieved (and exceeded) its Kickstarter goal.

If the thought of a "beautiful and meditative game [that] encourages curiosity and imagination" sounds familiar, it comes by its influence honestly, as ZED is the creation of former Myst artist Chuck Carter. The game drops players into the subconscious dream worlds of a dying man. You're there to help him "fulfill his final task", but your presence in his dreams confuses the man, who can "help or hinder your progress by putting challenging obstacles in your path." Only by exploring the surreal landscapes of his mind can you uncover the truth of his past and the mystery of his masterpiece called ZED.

The game's early screenshots and trailer show off just a tiny glimpse of ZED's realms, which "flicker between the edge of reality and that of fiction" as you explore the likes of "eccentric coastlines, mechanized landscapes, and secretive forests." As you press deeper through the "Dali-esque dreamscapes and a kaleidescope of memories", you'll find them filled with puzzles to solve and mysteries to unlock along the way. For an even closer look at these "exotic places of imagination", you can download the game's work-in-progress playable art preview.

Thanks to the 1826 backers who helped fund ZED to the tune of $57,180 on Kickstarter, the finished game may not be imminent but isn't too far off, with a projected launch date of March 2017 for Windows, Mac, and Linux.