Gold Rush seeks to strike it rich again in upcoming sequel

Written by Jack Allin -

For nearly 30 years, Gold Rush! has been one of the few classic Sierra properties that hasn't been thoroughly mined for sequels, but that looks set to change next year with the announcement of Sunlight Games' Gold Rush 2.

Much time will have passed in the game world as well, as the sequel takes place 20 years after the original. Now 1869, Jake and Jerrod Wilson have done very well for themselves after striking gold in California. But troubling news arrives from back home in New York, where their banker and family friend Mr. Quail sends word that a gang led by William "Boss" Tweed has overrun Brooklyn. And so, armed with evidence that should send Tweed to prison for life, "Jake and Jerrod decide to sell their mine and travel home on the newly constructed Transcontinental Railroad... but the boss has heard that they are coming and plans to stop them from ever returning to Brooklyn."

A collaboration between one of the original game's designers and German developer Sunlight Games, the team behind last year's Gold Rush! Anniversary remake, Gold Rush 2 promises more than 80 pre-rendered scenes to explore with a variety of puzzles to solve, along with modernized graphics, voice acting, and an intuitive point-and-click control scheme.

The game will be released across a variety of platforms, including either a DRM-free boxed version or Steam download for PC, Mac, and Linux, as well as optimized versions for iOS and Android devices. The former is already available for preorder through the developer's website. If all goes well, interested prospectors can lay hands on the game sometime in March 2016.