Paper and cardboard Lumino City lighting up soon

Written by Peter Mattsson -

State of Play Games' 2011 puzzle adventure Lume was a charming trip into a unique paper-and-cardboard world, but it was also very short – more of a prologue to whet your appetite for the main event to come. Well, Lumino City is about to become that main event.

In Lume, you had to guide the protagonist Lumi in returning power to her grandfather's house. In Lumino City, you face the much trickier task of – you guessed it! – finding out what's gone wrong with an entire city. As you might expect, this makes for a much more substantial game that promises to be "many times the size of the original", with puzzles that are "a more integrated part of the scenes around you."

Like its predecessor, Lumino City is made entirely of paper, cardboard and wood, and is shaping up to look even more beautiful. Where Lume was the work of two people, there's a larger team on board for this one, and it shows; the city is even being designed by a real architect. The developers promise "a massive leap in fidelity, image quality wise and also in the quality of the models," which are being laser-cut and brought to life with electric motors.

Lumino City is coming soon for Windows, Mac and Linux, with iOS versions to follow. You can find out more on the game's official website and the developer's blog.