It’s about time Back to the Future was available free

Written by Jack Allin -

If you haven't yet begun the DeLorean-driving, time-travelling new Back to the Future adventure with Marty McFly and Doc Brown, it's about time! And now you can, free of charge, as Telltale is making the first episode available free to all.

The first episode picks up shortly after the events of the popular movie series. Doc is missing and (wrongly) presumed dead, but when the DeLorean appears suddenly with no driver, it seems old Emmett may be in trouble after all. And so it's up to Marty to once again burn rubber into the past to help his inventor pal, being careful not to influence a very young Emmett in the process.

It's About Time, the first of five episodes, is now available free at the official website. (Note: The offer will only appear to those who haven't already purchased the full Back to the Future season.) Registration is required to order, though there is no obligation to purchase the rest of the season to play. There is no defined time limit on this offer, but as always with this series, the clock is ticking!

For all the details about this impressive series debut, be sure to check out our 4-star review of the game.

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