Seeds planted with announcement of Sophora Toromiro

Written by Jack Allin -

Independent adventure development continues to flourish around the world, this time extending to Iran with the announcement of Sophora Toromiro, the debut adventure from spbyte.

The game's title is derived from a rare and supposedly extinct plant once used on Easter Island to "create anthropomorphic (holy) statues". In 1771, Captains James Cook and Tobias Furneaux sailed out in search of the plant, and accounts tell of their success on the (fictional) Pacific island called Numaru. Over a century later, three British researchers travelled to Numaru Island to find the seeds of Toromiro. The trio vanished without a trace, however, and as the man who lead them to the island, you are now being held responsible and have only two weeks to discover the truth behind their disappearance.

A 3D point-and-click adventure, Sophora Toromiro is being self-financed by the small spbyte team, and the current target is to complete the game before the year is done. Though still in the early stages of production, a short playable sampler is already available at the official website to demonstrate the first scenes of the game and introduce the basic gameplay mechanics.

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