Fresh, new indie release has Ben There, Dan That!

Written by Jack Allin -

Just when you thought you'd seen it all before, along comes Ben There, Dan That! to shake things up a little. Of course, you'd expect nothing less from an independent developer who call themselves Zombie Cow Studios.

Ben There, Dan That! is the debut freeware adventure from the not-so-coincidentally-named Ben Ward and Dan Marshall, starring the even-less-coincidentally-named Ben and Dan, a couple of layabout geeks. Created using the popular AGS engine and intended to hearken back to the glory days of LucasArts, the distinctively-stylized comic adventure follows the exploits of the two protagonists as they "find themselves aboard an alien spaceship, and must puzzle their way through multiple madcap dimensions to make their way home."

The 11 MB download can be found at the developer's website, or from the cover disc of PC Zone magazine, which is featuring making-of article about Ben There, Dan That! in an upcoming issue.

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