Myst DS taps into North America

Written by Jack Allin -

Fifteen years old and still going strong, Myst is back in the news today, as Empire Interactive has announced that the DS port of Cyan's classic has now shipped to retailers in North America.

Myst has been re-released on many different platforms over the years, but if you've yet to make the journey through magical linking books in search of red and blue pages, the DS version of the game does offer some enhancements. Developed by Hoplite Research, the game features such upgrades as re-mastered audio and video; new tools such as the magnifying glass, camera, notebook, and map; and the Rime Age not included in the original Myst, not to mention the most obvious difference of the dual screen presentation.

For more information about Myst for DS, be sure to check out the official website, which includes a trailer for the game.

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