Details of Sam & Max season finale emerge from the flames

Written by Melanie Greeley -

For some, the final episode of Sam & Max: Season Two will be arriving too soon. Unlike the first season, which contained six episodes, Season Two contains only five, and that fifth episode is almost upon us. For many who have been following the dramatic build-up of the first four episodes, however, even the first details of that last episode can't come soon enough.

At long last, those first details have finally been unveiled, including the episode's title, What's New, Beelzebub? The search for Bosco in Chariots of the Dogs, which ended in a cliffhanger, has led Sam & Max to confront the Devil himself in the "corporate wasteland known as Hell" as they bargain for Bosco's soul. As they do so, they find themselves battling with Satan to avoid heir own eternal damnation.

For more information on this episode, which will be released on April 10 on GameTap and worldwide on April 11, visit the official site where you'll find the game's first cinematic trailer.

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