Hard Evidence of CSI game discovered on consoles

Written by Melanie Greeley -

Following the announcement of CSI: Hard Evidence for the PC almost eight months ago, fans were just about ready to send out a CSI team of their own to investigate the missed spring deadline and resounding silence since then. That silence has been broken with the announcement of Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii versions to be released simultaneously with the PC version this fall.

Hard Evidence will once again take place in Las Vegas with Gil Grissom, Catherine Willows and the rest of the team from the popular television series. Developed by Telltale Games, the new game will include another set of cases to solve using the latest forensic technology and tools. More cast member interactions, new forensic tools and a new garage lab will be added for reportedly longer gameplay. The console versions will provide even greater exposure to the already popular series, as this marks the first time a CSI game has been released on either system.

To help pass the time until the delayed release date, players can get a look at the first case of the game with a new trailer put together by UbiSoft. Head on over to GamersHell or WorthPlaying for the 32 MB video.

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