Second Criminal Intent case released online

Written by Jack Allin -

Legacy Interactive recently announced that Dark Obsession, the second case from Law & Order: Criminal Intent, is now available for online download and purchase.

Like its predecessor, The Vengeful Heart, the new case was originally part of the retail release of Criminal Intent. But for those who prefer their sleuthing one case at a time, Dark Obsession can now be found at the Legacy game portal or the Big Fish Games site.

In Dark Obsession, players assume the role of quirky Detective Robert Goren, called in to investigate a mysterious murder through careful investigation and Goren's unique psychological interrogation techniques. Enhancements to the original release of Criminal Intent and the online release of The Vengeful Heart include such things as auto-saving, scorekeeping, and a three-tiered hint system.

For those who prefer to try before buying, a free trial period of Dark Obsession is also available.

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