Got Game rolls out Barrow Hill trailer

Written by Jack Allin -

North American publisher Got Game Entertainment has released a short teaser for its upcoming horror adventure Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle.

The new trailer shows a... well, a trailer (the mobile kind) from which a terrified woman's voice sets the stage for the game's creepy atmosphere. The independently produced first-person horror from Shadow Tor Studios is described as "archeology meets adventure", as players travel to a dig site at the stone circle of Barrow Hill, set deep in the Cornish countryside. This ancient burial ground, however, is home to "powerful mystic forces" that confront you as you explore the "Celtic legends which haunt the green lanes of the hill."

The new trailer is a little under 7 MB, and can be downloaded from GamersHell. If you missed it the first time, you might also want to check out the older gameplay video.

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