More Nancy Drew details detected

Written by Jack Allin -

It's Paris in summer and Hawaii in fall... nice work if you can get it! But that's the itinerary for Nancy Drew, as Her Interactive has revealed the first details about their 2006 lineup for the teen detective.

Due in July is Danger by Design, which sees Nancy heading to France at the request of an investor concerned about Minette, a fashion designer whose "strange, unexplained behavior may delay her Spring Collection and potentially derail the fashion house."

Continuing Her Interactive's tradition of releasing two new mysteries per year, the girl sleuth is sent packing soon after for an October release of Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave. Here Nancy discovers her mentor, Dr. Quigley Kim, has disappeared, and "amidst the volcanoes and caves of the lush Hawaiian landscape, Nancy goes head-to-head with the legend of Kane 'Okala as she unravels the multiple mysteries behind the missing Dr. Kim."

With over 2.5 million Nancy Drew games sold to date, the two new titles should once again appeal to the established fan base that have followed Nancy through her thirteen previous cases.

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