NIBIRU demo released

Written by Laura MacDonald -

The Adventure Company has just released a playable demo of NIBIRU: Age of Secrets, giving players a first-hand look at the upcoming game.

The demo weighs in at 139 MB and can be downloaded now at: Worthplaying.

This playable section covers a slice of the game's beginning, where you, as Martin Holan, embark on a quest to unravel the truth linking the dark secrets of the Nazis and the demise of the Mayan civilization. You arrive at a highway construction site, in Bohemia, where workers have unearthed a World War II era tunnel. Who built it and for what purpose is cloaked in mystery. Luckily, you "obtained" a pass from the Director of the city's Office of Historical Monuments, which gets you past the barricades and security. Your goal? To gain full access to the newly discovered tunnel and start your search for answers.

NIBIRU is scheduled for release at the end of August 2005

For more information on this game, check out Adventure Gamers' NIBIRU preview.

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