Bone to feature ‘active puzzles’

Written by Jon Kristinsson -

What does the man mean by 'active puzzles', you say?

When asked, in an interview on Quandary Land, about puzzles and their role in Bone Dan Connors mentions that, aside from struggling to make puzzles that make sense, they're also trying to make them fit in with the pacing of the story. That means that instead of the game waiting for the player to interact, it'll try and remain more active, as he describes it. The world will continue to move around you, whether you like it or not, and NPCs will, presumably, not necessarily wait for your actions before approaching you, for example.

The interview talks a lot about the broad reader age, and how that will reflect in the game and the humor. Other things of interest are these concept images they have on their site, which show Bone looking at the mouse cursor.

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