Fahrenheit put back to September

Written by Eivind Hagerup -

Even though the rumors have been circling in the gaming press for some time now, Atari and Quantic Dream have officially announced that Atari is the new publisher for the paranormal thriller Fahrenheit, currently one of 2005's most anticipated adventure games.

Fahrenheit promises to bring some innovations to the adventure genre, as the player can assume control over several different characters and experience the game from multiple viewpoints. Also traditional cinematic effects such as actor direction, multi-camera views and split-screens will be used to immerse the player in the gaming universe. "A powerful connection is created between the player and the action on-screen, where every turn and every micro-decision has serious consequences", states Martin Spiess, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Atari Europe.

Fahrenheit takes place in a New York City that is stunned by a series of mysterious murders, all following the same pattern. Lucas Kane becomes another one of these murderers when he suddenly kills a stranger in a men's washroom. Covered in blood, Lucas regains consciousness with no recollection as to why he committed the murder. Hunted by police, Lucas must solve the mystery before being caught and incarcerated for life.

It has been reported that Fahrenheit will be renamed to Indigo Prophecy in North America, perhaps due to a certain controversial documentary with a similar name? However, today's announcement does not mention a name change.

The game's release date has now been put back to September, when it will be released for PC, PS2 and Xbox.

Gamer's Hell has posted four new screenshots from the PS2 version of the game.

Be sure you don't miss these announcements