Quandary guards Time

Written by Jon Kristinsson -

Quandary, promising fun for everyone, has posted up their review of Sentinel: Descendants in Time. They're obvious fans of time itself, as they reward it with four out of five stars.


The graphics in Sentinel: Descendants in Time are gorgeous, and even better if you play at a high resolution, and all the worlds are a delight to explore with the 3D environment. You can wander almost everywhere, look at objects from different angles, and ascend to great heights in some areas and survey your tracks from a bird's eye view. Each 'world' is different with one nestled in the skies, another consisting of walkways over water, a blazing lava plain with active volcano, and another world with snaking underwater tunnels. The music is quite nice too, not intrusive, and I appreciated the gentle animations ... wheels turn, water undulates, and grass wavers in the wind. There are a number of 'rides' to take in elevators and in a cable car, and when you step onto a floating bridge the game world bobs up and down.


Sounds great, and for more go here.

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