Mysterious Reviews

Written by Jon Kristinsson -

No, there's not only a Myst review in store for you today, but also a review of Return to Mysterious Island. awards Myst: Revelations five so-called GiN gems out of five.


It is mildly disappointing that the Cyan folks made the first-ever Myst game to earn higher than an ‘E’ rating, this being a ‘T’ for mild violence. But I really don’t see this game as any more violent than some scenes in Riven or Exile, but I’m guessing the difference in ESRB’s eyes is that those games involved only adult characters and there is a young girl running around in this game.


Read the full review here.

And PC Gameworld gives Return to Mysterious Island a score of 90%.


Return to Mysterious Island's biggest flaw is the length. Most players will be able to work through the game in about 15-20 hours the first time around, each time after that gets significantly shorter. My first game ended in about 18 hours while my second time only took about 5 hours using different ways to complete the same puzzles the third time around I flew through in under 2 hours.


I can't remember the last time I played a game that actually lasted me 15-20 hours.. Anyway, read the full review here.

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