Moment of Silence review

Written by Jon Kristinsson -

Before I go on, I'd like to mention that this is the third news post the last three days to start with the words 'Moment', 'Of' and 'Silence'.

Now that we've established that I lack any ability to think up creative titles for this news post, and the fact that Moment of Silence is a pretty hot title at the moment, news-wise, let's continue with the story:

The german site, Adventure Archiv have got lengthy, english review for House of Tales' The Moment of Silence.

After probably five pages worth of a very good and thorough review, they offer Moment of Silence a score of 90%, saying this:


Despite some cut backs concerning character graphics, soundeffects and handling the game undoubtedly belongs in its total impact to the genre heights of this year. The questions, we must ask in the end, should absolutely be answered in a sequel.


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