Nintendo announces an adventure game?

Written by Jon Kristinsson -

Say what?

You heard me. Nintendo have announced that a game, billed as a true adventure game, is in the making for their new portable, the Nintendo DS.

Here's a summary of the story, or what we know so far, taken off IGN:

In this adventure game, billed by Nintendo as the first true adventure game for the NDS, you play as thirteen-year old Ashley. Ashley was born to Sayako and Richard, both of whom recently worked in the research lab of a secret government organization. However, due to some trouble surrounding "Another," a device developed at the research lab, Sayako was killed and Richard has gone missing. Using clues given to her by her father, Ashley must make her way to Brad Edward Island

Sounds interesting enough, and what's even more interesting is the way the game will play. As you may, or may not know, the Nintendo DS's biggest features are its dual-screen and touch-screen features. The lower screen being a touch-screen, lends an adventure game some heavy possibilities on a handheld. The game will supposedly offer a from-the-top view of the character, on the lower screen, and since that's the touch-screen it's speculated that the game will indeed be a point-n-click adventure, where you simply tap your stylus on the screen where you want your character to go. Additionally, puzzles will in some way be solved via the touch-stylus. Judging from the screenshots, they show the player revealing clues on a wooden board by scratching the screen. Very.. mysterious.

At any rate, we'll bring you anything new related to this handheld adventure, as soon as it's available.

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