Two Law & Order previews

Written by Jon Kristinsson -

There have been two previews of Legacy Interactive's adventure game, Law & Order: Justice is Served, based on the popular TV series, circulating around the web.

Let's start off with the short previe over at the WarCry Network:


Dialogue and trial questions involve selecting from three chat options. Choosing the wrong option just yields no information. The dialogue will automatically end when all the good questions have been asked. Sometimes, a piece of evidence will need to be presented in order to convince the person to continue speaking to the detectives. In the trial, in addition to direct examination, the dialogue includes another element, the objections phase. When the defense is asking questions, the player can object. Winning or losing the case is dependent on objecting to certain questions, so knowledge of the law will help. Law & Order: Justice is Served, as the previous titles before, provides good explanations of the different rules of the court, including objections, so the player doesn't really have to guess at what is okay and what is not.


And the more jucier preview over at


Without a doubt, the characters' facial expressions were the highlight of L&O2, although the overall effect was hampered by the stiff torsos and helmet hair. The character models are now composed of 40,000 polygons, almost quadruple the amount used in the previous offering, which means the superb facial expressions have remained, but they are now complemented by improved graphical details and fluid character motion. Characters are not simply "recognizable" anymore but overwhelmingly resemble their counterparts, with the exception of Briscoe, whose graphical self went a little heavy on the blush on this particular morning.


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