New screenshots of 8

Written by Jon Kristinsson -

Tale of Tales has updated the website for their adventure game titled 8 with new screenshots.

With lofty goals, 8 promises non-linear storytelling, non-linear puzzles and a very interesting player character that the player isn't in direct control of.

The deaf-mute Girl in her pretty white Dress is not simply an avatar for the player. She is an autonomous entity with a will of her own. Her behaviour is inluenced by the style of the player and by the environment. If you treat her well, she will help you solve puzzles and surprise you. If you neglect her, she will sulk or find other ways to amuse herself.

Next to her mood and personality, her abilities evolve as well. She acquires magical powers that allow for new ways to interact with the environment.

The website describes the story elements of the game as very old fairytales much more suited for a mature audience:

While “8” does not tell a linear story per se, it's universe is packed with narrative elements inspired by many different versions of the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. You can discover hidden stories by making connections between different scenes. Or you can simply let yourself float on the poetic wealth of the environment.

Ever since the clean-up activities by the brothers Grimm, fairy tales have been considered stuff for children. Most of the stories that inspired “8”, however, are much older and much more suitable for a mature audience. Children will be able to play the game. But only adults will enjoy it fully.

Tale of Tales is actively pursuing a publisher, will have a demo very soon and is firm on its release date of 2007.

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