Flight of the Amazon Queen released as freeware

Written by Jake Rodkin -

As part of the recent release of ScummVM 0.6.0, the classic graphic adventure Flight of the Amazon Queen has been released as freeware. Much like Revolution Software's donation of Beneath a Steel Sky's source code for the previous ScummVM release, Flight of the Amazon Queen's creators, Steve Stamatiadis and John Passfield provided the ScummVM team with the game's source code, and are responsible for allowing its release as freeware.

Two versions of Flight of the Amazon Queen are available: the full 36.5 MB talkie/CD version, and the 7.1 MB floppy-disk version for space-concious PDA or modem users. The complete game is available for download in the "Extras" section of the ScummVM downloads page.

[For more information about the new release of ScummVM, including what's new in the new release, and what ScummVM is in the first place, look here.]

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