New Larry designer diary

Written by Eivind Hagerup -

GameSpot has posted a new designer diary by Tom Smith, the Design Director of Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude. The adventure sequel is due to be released late this year.


But how do you do a game about jokes? While hitting on chicks? That's not remotely like shooting people, so the game industry doesn't give us lots of examples to borrow from. We really wanted to make the funny parts central to the gameplay. We'd seen plenty of games where you play a little bit of game, then watch a funny cutscene, and then play some more not-funny game. We wanted the fun and the funny to be all mushed together. The closest thing we could think of was the conversation options you see in some role-playing games. Picking an option from a dialog tree does give some feeling of control, but it's not fun. We wanted more.


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