Broken Sword 3 interview and preview

Written by Eivind Hagerup -

ELiTeD has interviewed Charles Cecil of Revolution Software, about their just-gone-gold adventure, Broken Sword : The Sleeping Dragon.


BS: The Sleeping Dragon will have a new interface, stepping away from the old point-and-click that adventure games are famous for using. This will open up a new assortment of puzzle solving. Charles tells us, "the new interface has enabled us to introduce a very diverse range of puzzles. As well as the investigative gameplay that one would expect from a traditional adventure, we introduce an element of exploration, and ‘action events’ which are effectively interactive cut scenes. The philosophy remains that the interface remains intuitive and simple – the challenge coming from having to determine what to do rather than encountering difficultly in actually doing it! At its heart this is very much an adventure!"


The Armchair Empire has posted a hands-on preview of the same game.

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