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RLacey 04-28-2006 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by insane_cobra
You laugh about it a little and then just forget about it, especially if English is not your native language.

True. I really can't see any advertising campaigns that could use the name without making it look stupid, though.

Anyway, I've said my piece. A lot of people think that this won't matter. I happen to think otherwise. Only time will tell, I suppose :).

NcroManiac 04-28-2006 05:32 AM

Nintendo Bukkake :D:D:D

...Okay, I'm done.

MoriartyL 04-28-2006 05:47 AM

[ hides in shame ]

Naveed 04-28-2006 05:53 AM

Nintendo Wee

Quite complex, even has a history.

stuboy 04-28-2006 05:56 AM

Wii so, so want to be as cool as Apple.

Thats why Wii are using stylish grey and white for our webpage. That's why Wii are using minimalist, sans serif rounded fonts. Wii are even going so far to have not one, but two i's! Wii really want Joe Bloggs to think this product wii-ll be the new must have cool gadget. But by calling it a name that can be taken the "piss" out of in so many ways, Wii seem to have shot ourselves in the foot.

At least Wii've got everyone talking.

MoriartyL 04-28-2006 06:05 AM

They're planning to name the successor to the Game Boy the Puu. Seriously, I see why they're using this title:
  • It's short, representing the simplification of control and gameplay.
  • It's unusual both to look at and to hear, which makes it stand out.
  • The bad spelling implies that it's rewriting the rules.
  • "We", because they'll be focusing on multiplayer and positioning this as a console for an entire family.
  • "Wi" as in "Wi-Fi", because they're emphasizing the internet connection.
  • "Wee" meaning small, because it's a small console.
But really, there's only one reason that matters: Nintendo's marketing guys are a bunch of morons. It is so ugly that I'm going to have nightmares about introducing it to my family. They'll go something like this:

Me (to my non-gamer sister): Hey, look! I just got Nintendo's new console!
My sister: So I'll play Mario Party on that now, instead of the Gamecube. What's it called?
Me: Ummm...
My sister: What's it called?
Me: Well, I'd rather not-
My sister: WHAT'S IT CALLED??
Me: Well, actually, it's called, um, Wii.
My sister, and everyone nearby: HAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! HAHAHA!!! MWAHAHAHA!
Me: Well, maybe it's not called-
Everyone: WII!!!
Me, waking up: Gaa!

AFGNCAAP 04-28-2006 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by insane_cobra
No. Maybe I'd laugh, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't want one. And since when is lauging such a bad thing? It's not like it's called Nintendo Nazii, for god's sake. You laugh about it a little and then just forget about it, especially if English is not your native language.

Quoted for truth.

Charming, or even childish, name is a nice change compared to Xtremely Xciting XBox, which doesn't help one bit to break the idiotic adolescent-brainless-console-jockey stereotype (by the way, did you notice it sounds just like "Eggs Bogs"? Hahahaha, so silly! No one will buy this! Haha! *snort* :shifty: ).

Naveed 04-28-2006 06:24 AM

insane_cobra 04-28-2006 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Naveed

So glad to see not everyone's lost their reason over this.

Jackal 04-28-2006 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by sethsez
"Wii" has no hard sounds at all and is very short, making it seem weak and wispy.

This is it entirely. It's an issue of linguistics. For me it has less to do with its similarity to other words (humourous or not) than the fact that the word itself is so utterly impotent. I'd have had to stay awake nights thinking of a less distinctive word to neuter my own product.

The question isn't whether the system will sell. Lots of things succeed in spite of their own ineptitude of marketing and management. The question is whether the name is dumb, and it is.

(Note that this only applies to English. Possibly the word actually is more acceptable linguistically in other languages.)


Originally Posted by AFGNCAAP
Charming, or even childish, name is a nice change...

Although pretty self-destructive for a company whose main challenge is convincing people it's not just a system for (younger) kids. Again, hopefully the Revolution Wii will survive the misunderstanding it creates, but no thanks to its branding.


Originally Posted by insane_cobra
You laugh about it a little and then just forget about it...

Except, of course, that the whole point is to create a name that people DON'T forget about, but rather becomes an instantly recognizable household name. And for that they've picked a terrible name. You're right, though, that the name simply won't matter to many people.

insane_cobra 04-28-2006 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Jackal
Except, of course, that the whole point is to create a name that people DON'T forget about, but rather becomes an instantly recognizable household name.

I meant that you forget about the connotations, not the name itself. I think it's catchy, easy to remember and easy to pronounce, unlike other today's console brands (read the article Naveed linked to).

Melanie68 04-28-2006 07:49 AM

Here's the CNN article

(complete with a quote from Chris Remo :))

AFGNCAAP 04-28-2006 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jackal
(Note that this only applies to English. Possibly the word actually is more acceptable linguistically in other languages.)


Although pretty self-destructive for a company whose main challenge is convincing people it's not just a system for (younger) kids.
If that was their main concern, they should start with renaming the company first. ;)

Jackal 04-28-2006 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by insane_cobra
I meant that you forget about the connotations, not the name itself. I think it's catchy, easy to remember and easy to pronounce, unlike other today's console brands (read the article Naveed linked to).

I read the link already. It really doesn't say anything to address what I'm talking about. It's talking about the theory behind a unique name, not the particular name chosen. (Or at the very least, makes only an ineffective attempt to rationalize this particular name, which is hardly surprising since the writer himself doesn't like it.) I agree with the theory, just not the practice. There's a difference between being easy to remember and being memorable (let alone taken seriously). And I really wouldn't use the other consoles as a yardstick of branding quality. :P

If I'm remembering correctly, didn't the Nintendo 64 launch as the "NU64", which equally clever marketers probably thought was an ingenious play on words, only to drop the "U" when everyone else thought it sounded dumb?

bysmitty 04-28-2006 08:23 AM

I've been fumbling the name around in my head for 24 hours now and I guess my stance still hasn't changed. It just sound ridiculous. I'm trying to picture myself a few months from now walking into an EBgames and telling the clerk 'I would like to pre-order a Wii'. I know that we both know exactly what is meant but it sounds so absurd. Yes it is different but I'm of the mentality that different doesn't always equal good. I'm still excited for the console and I still plan on getting on but I'm having a hard time envisioning myself talking about it to my nongaming buddies at work. If Nintendo wants to appeal to the masses, they should name it something that the masses can take seriously. As it stands, it sounds like a video game system developed for grade-schoolers.


insane_cobra 04-28-2006 08:35 AM

I think we can all agree DS is a very stupid name. It's not memorable either, but it just doesn't matter. Let's drop this name crap already. Some like it, most don't, but we're all going to have to accept it. If Wii fails because of a bad name, well, then this industry is really going to hell.

SoccerDude28 04-28-2006 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Melanie68
Here's the CNN article

(complete with a quote from Chris Remo :))

Wow Remo is becoming a famous dude. :crazy:

Anyway, back to wii. Who wants to wii in my house with wii, and then play the wii????

Cathy1 04-28-2006 10:14 AM

It's Nintendo....What do you expect ? That's my opinion. I was going to buy one,then I seen the controller. Then I said forget it. I'm old school. If it ain't broke don't fix it. IMO.


Dasilva 04-28-2006 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Cathy1
It's Nintendo....What do you expect ? That's my opinion. I was going to buy one,then I seen the controller. Then I said forget it. I'm old school. If it ain't broke don't fix it. IMO.


Broke? After a few generations it gets boring.

Its still going to have a similar controller to the gamecube you know, a pic was displayed in a different thread before.

Naveed 04-28-2006 11:51 AM

Never had so much on the internet in a single day, from the penny-arcade comic

to some really hilarious mock ups and puns,

Wii rules! :D

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