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squarejawhero 01-21-2005 04:45 PM

*runs never to return*


*turns back*

Ah what the hell...

Tea, anyone?

Manhunter71 01-21-2005 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ninja Dodo
I would be insulted why?

Actually, I might be insulted if you implied that I was from Middlesbrough, something which I've been going to rather great lengths to deny, indeed in this very same thread among others. :rolleyes:

Sorry about that - I just looked at your profile nd found out you are definitely NOT from Middlesborough!
It's just that the few peope from Middlesborough I have met don't like to be associated with Geordies!!!

BoyToy 01-21-2005 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Manhunter71
I have to admit though, Edinburgh is a great city - lots of historical interest, and a great Starbucks!

I think you've even got some PRETs in Edinburgh, right?! I love Pret sandwiches. :9

RLacey 01-22-2005 03:33 AM

I'm a tea-drinking, cricket-following, forced posh accent-speaking Brit. And I love it.


Teisiph 01-23-2005 12:22 PM

What I've been wondering about, how many people actually walk around wearing football t-shirts (on the rare occasion that you can actually wear a t-shirt without freezing to death)?
Everytime I see British guys walking around they look like they got sponsored by some major telephone company.

Jazhara7 01-23-2005 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Teisiph
What I've been wondering about, how many people actually walk around wearing football t-shirts (on the rare occasion that you can actually wear a t-shirt without freezing to death)?
Everytime I see British guys walking around they look like they got sponsored by some major telephone company.

I saw a chinese boy, who apparently helped his father (I guess it was his father), selling stuff at the Great Chinese Wall, wearing an old Trikot of Eintracht Frankfurt (a german Football Club)

And I guess that you get used to the cold, if you have been living there all your life.

- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

RLacey 01-24-2005 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Teisiph
What I've been wondering about, how many people actually walk around wearing football t-shirts (on the rare occasion that you can actually wear a t-shirt without freezing to death)?
Everytime I see British guys walking around they look like they got sponsored by some major telephone company.

At risk of coming across in a very elitist manner here, it's sometimes a class thing, and sometimes simply that the people you see are football fans on the way to a match ;).

Seriously, though, some people wear them a lot whilst others don't, and it's not for me to criticise.

Royal Fool 01-24-2005 05:08 PM

I'm not from the UK but I could almost certainly pass myself off as one.

squarejawhero 01-25-2005 01:28 AM

Just drink obscene amounts, get into a fight and eat pies! You'll be a fine man one day, my son.

Supreme Goddess 01-26-2005 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by squarejawhero
Just drink obscene amounts, get into a fight and eat pies! You'll be a fine man one day, my son.

I don't drink tea, never have. Can't stand bloody cricket either. Er... not saying much for my credentials is it? :)

RLacey 01-26-2005 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Supreme Goddess
I don't drink tea, never have. Can't stand bloody cricket either. Er... not saying much for my credentials is it? :)

Away, fraud! :D

Maquisard 01-26-2005 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by RLacey
I'm a tea-drinking, cricket-following, forced posh accent-speaking Brit. And I love it.


Who you callin' a ho, mother****er?! :eek:

Supreme Goddess 01-27-2005 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by RLacey
Away, fraud! :D

I'm no fraud - I speak with a scouse accent. But I am away, a long way away, that's for sure. :)

Manhunter71 01-27-2005 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Supreme Goddess
I don't drink tea, never have. Can't stand bloody cricket either. Er... not saying much for my credentials is it? :)

It says alot for your credentials - I drink coffee mainly and have expressed my feelings towards cricket :r in a previous post :)

Its just so boooring :pan:
(Manhunter tries really hard to keep his eyes open during this riveting discussion of ... "yawn".... cricket :pan: :pan:

SoccerDude28 02-03-2005 03:11 PM

I dunno how this flied over everyone's head, but did you notice that the Poll is a checkbox???? You can be from the UK and not from the UK. I chose for an answer:

Manhunter71 02-03-2005 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Teisiph
What I've been wondering about, how many people actually walk around wearing football t-shirts (on the rare occasion that you can actually wear a t-shirt without freezing to death)?
Everytime I see British guys walking around they look like they got sponsored by some major telephone company.

Actually, a large percentage of the male population walk around wearing football shirts.
Here in the UK we like to refer to them as "townies", or more politely - "wankers" :D
They are usually the type who go to the pub, drink 20 pints and then start a fight with someone who accidentally looked in their direction!

Elton28 02-08-2005 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Manhunter71
Actually, a large percentage of the male population walk around wearing football shirts.
Here in the UK we like to refer to them as "townies", or more politely - "wankers" :D
They are usually the type who go to the pub, drink 20 pints and then start a fight with someone who accidentally looked in their direction!

I agree mate.

We live in a flat behind the main street in York which attracts said "wankers"; they are just like children who lead sad lives. I mean ffs, I am almost 29 and have grown past all that crap.

I think us Brits are stereo typed into being lager swilling, football obsessed hooligans. Personally, I hate football with a PASSION and get so pissed off that it takes precedence over the more important things in life. And that other have been interested. I will stick to cycling and climbing.

I find going through town on a Friday or Saturday night quite intimidating and you never know where to look when walking past groups of "townies".

Me? I prefer the quiter side of town, where ale is at a decent price, the punters are kewl people who just want to socialise and have a good natter with their mates/girlfriend/dog.

And yes, I love to just sit with a drink and watch the world go by....

squarejawhero 02-08-2005 09:15 AM

There there's those ultraviolent teenage types with white baseball caps and crap sports clothing called "chavs". Yuck.

Curt 02-08-2005 09:25 AM

I guess I'm half way to being your true stereotypical Brit, or rather Englishman, and for the following reasons.

1. I drink tea.
2. I like cricket.
3. I'm passionate about football, particularly my beloved Aston Villa, and get rather depressed when either Villa or England lose (although not so much with Villa nowadays as it's kind of expected :frusty: ). But I DON'T own a football shirt.
4. Last Saturdays Rugby score rather upset me.
5. I'm introvertly eccentric (figure that one out, Trep. :D )
6. I speak one language (yes, I'm still resisting the urge to learn German, just like a true Brit. No, that's not true. I'm actually disgustingly bad at it :sad: ).
7. Like 99% of my fellow Anglo-Saxons I'd never seen, or heard of, the British classic "Dinner for One" (it's hugely popular here in Deutschland, shown every New Year without fail, and I love it).
8. I´ve got a split personality on the issue of whether having a Royal Family is a good thing or not.
9. I sing "God Save the Queen" with great pride and passion (even more so after a few beers), even though I don't understand the meaning of all the other verses that never leave our lips.
10. I always try to be a true gentleman (although I don't always succeed). I'm allegedly polite (if only they could read my thoughts).
11. I hold my fork weird (at least that's what the Germans tell me).
12. I punch people for looking at me wrong.

Actually, that last one might not be true. Yet. :devil:

AGA 02-08-2005 11:48 AM

I'm Welsh, not English (which is pretty much what everyone means when they say "Brit" or "from the UK"), and pretty much none of that stuff applies to me, except the tea-swilling bit.

I speak 2-and-a-half languages (English, Welsh and some French).

Football doesn't interest me in the least.

Cricket is kinda meh. I used to play as a kid, but I wouldn't ever willingly watch a match.

I couldn't care less about the monarchy, given they exist in name only.

I am incredibly polite, but that's more of a breeding/intelligence/class/insert-something-else-to-make-me-sound-even-more-arrogant thing than a nationality thing.

I don't know any of the words to God Save the Queen, but I do know all the words to Hen Gwlad Fy Nhadau (Welsh national anthem), and actually understand what the words mean!

I don't understand what weird-fork-holding entails, but I do hold my fork in my right hand, which only about 95% of right-handed people seem to do.

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