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Old 04-27-2012, 12:42 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 4
Default rediscovering text adventure - with a twist

apologies for making a new thread on my first post.

Text adventure made by 3 chaps in 72 hrs for a computer game writing compo. Uses completely new game engine.

It's illustrated but true to the genre you navigate using "North", "South" etc. There is a basic puzzle to solve but collecting objects, understanding hints etc. Please forgive the lacking command parsing, limited character interaction etc but time was short.

Play in web browser, requires Chrome, FireFox or Safari. Illustrative mode is the main one, the other two modes are traditional text-only and Boss mode.

(Ludum Dare entry

We'd really appreciate any feedback from playing it, kind of market research
* Is there enough critical mass to make it worth continuing with the engine (non-commercially)?
* How interested are you in playing more adventures on this engine?
* Do you mod games? Would you write your own adventures?
* Do you normally play text adventures? Do you even know what the genre is?

Last edited by wombatica; 04-27-2012 at 02:20 PM.
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