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Old 01-24-2012, 03:11 PM   #13
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Budapest
Posts: 21

I was late to fill the survey, but here are my comments:

With good game design, adventure games could be very effective means of advertising if the subject is integrated in the plot as seamlessly as possible. People develop nostalgic feelings for things they used/manipulated/visited in a game they enjoyed.

For example, Yoomurjak's Ring was originally a marketing tool for the town it features. But it doesn't suggest 'hey, come and visit us'. The plot simply takes you to places which exist in reality. Since the release of the game, the hotel where the protagonist stayed has become a kind of pilgramage destination (and everyone wants to stay in room 15).

Although there were many other places visible in the game (shops, restaurants, etc. ), those places have attracted considerably more interest which had important part in the plot. In general, this could also work for a computer, a cellphone, a motorbike (GK3), or anything that can have a role in the game.
I whish those marketing departments played more adventures...

Last edited by Pilaus; 01-24-2012 at 03:18 PM.
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