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Old 06-11-2011, 08:52 PM   #1
High Scores Arcade
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 5
Default Introduction- Request help in Adventure Game search

This is Shawn- lifetime adventure gamer. I am also a collector of classic arcade games (with my wife Meg) We own High Scores Vintage Arcade Museum in Burlington NJ.

Both of us are long-time gamers when it comes to arcade games- but I am also a lifetime fan of Adventure games- everything from Pre-Zork to Post-Heavy Rain...

There is a lot of information available that has helped me to recover my favorite arcade games from the early eighties- but there is less on the PC Adventure games I loved as a kid in the early nineties... so I was hoping someone could help me remember a title I played which was good not great, but left an impression...
I am looking for the title of a PC adventure game which was less popular than the Sierra online and LucasArts games of the time. I bought it (for less money than a Sierra game) sometime between 1991-1993-probably closer to 91, at an Electronics Boutique. . It was a hero game, somewhat like Hero Quest series games but much more generic, much less production value. I didn't recognize the name of its publisher and the packaging wasn't as good as say a Kings Quest game.

The only thing I can remember about it was that in the beginning there was a forest with green trees that had an unusual sorta-3D vibe when you were traveling through them. the Hero, (blonde, maybe) kinda Conanish, but skinnier, and more Knights at the Round Table time, arrives at a castle. there, he is thrown into a jail and there may be someone there with him. I didn't play it long before returning it for some other game. I'm sure it was sub-par at best, but this has haunted me a long time and I need to get out of the jail or pit.

I'm sure that there are other people out there that know this game... less popular developer than Sierra, but an adventure game none the less...any ideas? Thanks.

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