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Old 02-10-2011, 06:28 PM   #6
Giles Habibula
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Bismarck, North Dakota USA
Posts: 30

Oh gosh, I loved "Cursed Mountain" on PC!
I bought my copy from Belarus (near Chernobyl) through eBay about a year ago. It was tough to find a nice new physical-disk copy for less than $80 at the time, so I was a bit skeptical that I got mine for $20 including overseas shipping.

But it was indeed a legit Russian copy, complete with a nice plastic/cardboard fold-out case. Very classy package. The game came on a dual-sided DVD, and it's a big game (IIRC 5 to 7 gigs). Also, no DRM. I just installed it and filed the DVD away. The seller sent photographic instructions on how to change the language from Russian to English (just a button to click in the game's directory).

The PC version got horrible reviews, but I watched a YouTube playthrough of the first 10 minutes that absolutely sold me. Ah, here it is. The entire 10 hours I spent playing this game is just as atmospheric as this little bit is, if not more.

It's also a very nice PC port of a wii original. The PC port supports up to 1920 x 1200 resolution, and even has a reverse Y-axis option for the mouse (which was a godsend for me). It played very smooth, and never crashed once. The mouse is used to make the gestures in game (instead of the wii-mote, which was sort of wonky on the wii I've heard), which makes the PC version a lot easier to play.

As you can tell by that video, the voice acting is phenomenal. Hands down the most atmospheric game I've played since the Stalker games. I adored the mountain setting (takes place on Mount Chomolonzo, a real Himalayan mountain). The story is excellent, and really drew me in.

One drawback: It is very linear. There is never much doubt as to where to go next. But the pacing is excellent, and makes up for it. You can move through the world as slow as you like. Take your time. Admire the gorgeous views from the mountain. I got shivers playing this.

I cannot recommend the PC version enough! Loved it!
There is also a d/l version available right here apparently (I just looked).

Those of you who love spooky atmosphere and beautiful settings and great story should really check it out. Or at least just watch that 10 minute video of gameplay/story set-up. Oh, and for best results, watch that video in 720p in fullscreen.

Last edited by Giles Habibula; 02-10-2011 at 06:35 PM.
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