Thread: Three Questions
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Old 01-30-2011, 09:17 AM   #3485
Lee in Limbo
It's Hard To Be Humble
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. Do 3D movies have any point other than just being headache-inducing gimmickry?
2. Who would you rather have dinner with, given the opportunity: five of your favourite famous people (corpses reanimated where necessary), or five of your closest internet friends?
3. How do I get the word out about something cool I made without it looking like I'm an annoying spammer?
1. Money.
2. Friends. Famous ones would be nice.
3. I have no idea. The level of your enthusiasm is equal to the proportion of how annoyed people will get when you keep promoting a thing. That's just how it's got to be.

Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
1. Would you like to get to know me better ?
2. When will we meet ?
3. Who is my favorite person ?
1. Sure.
2. Not right now.
3. ??

Originally Posted by Nafsika View Post
1.What sort of transportation do you prefer?(car,airplane,bus,boat)
2.What's your favorite drink (with alcohol)
3.Have you ever done illegal drugs?
1. I prefer buses, but long distances should be done by blimp.
2. Guinness draft, or single malt scotch.
3. Yes, soft drugs. Not lately, but I don't object.

Originally Posted by Jelena View Post
1. At what time do you eat during the day?
2. What's your favourite dish?
3. Is eating healthy important to you?
1. When my stomach insists on being fed.
2. Well, Carole Lombard was pretty dishy.
3. Yes, but not as important as whether the meal was tasty.

Originally Posted by Intense Degree View Post
1. What was the last game you played that you really regretted buying/playing?
2. What is the most serious illness you have ever had?
3. Curtains or blinds?
1. Secret Files: Puritas Cordis. Wow, but that voice actress was even worse than the first one.
2. Hmmn, it's a toss-up between pneumonia and bipolar disorder. Both have nearly ended my life.
3. Shutters.

Originally Posted by tsa View Post
1. How many lives do you live, and where?
2. Why don't many people take children seriously?
3. What is the best newspaper in the world?
1. One. Lee in Limbo is omnipresent.
2. Cuz you suck.
3. I actually don't read newspapers anymore. I prefer the internet.

Originally Posted by Nafsika View Post
1) If you were to open a door of a room and that room was someone's...who would you like it to be and what would you like to discover there?
2)Do you believe in aliens?
3)Who's your idol?
1. Emma Thompson, lying half naked on her bed, crooking her finger at me to come in and close the door behind me.
2. I do, though Russ Mael insists otherwise.
3. Samuel L. Jackson.

Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
1. Do you watch Cartoons ?
2. Do you draw ?
3. What is your profession?
1. Yes, though not as often as I used to.
2. Yes, though not as often as I used to.
3. Indolent.

Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. Do you ever feel disconnected from your body?
2. How do you feel about eating meat?
3. Are (were?) you friends with your parents?
1. Once or twice, but more often, I just feel disconnected from my life.
2. I'm omnivorous, and don't care to argue the point with those who object.
3. I get along quite well with my mother. I haven't spoken to my father in over twenty years.

Originally Posted by tsa View Post
1. Have you ever panned somebody for real?
2. How do you feel about the death penalty?
3. Why do people like violence?
1. No, though I have often felt the urge to strangle them.
2. Considering my last response, it behooves me to say I object strenuously to capital punishment.
3. It's cheaper than actually hiring a real writer to tell a good story.

Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. How does riding a bicycle in traffic make you feel?
2. Would you rather have pizza or skinny jeans?
3. What's the most comfortable position in which to use a laptop?
1. Alive, though not necessarily in a good way.
2. As skinny jeans are completely useless to me, I'll take the pizza, thank you.
3. With the laptop in Andie's lap.

Originally Posted by Jelena View Post
1. What expensive gadget do you wish you could buy?
2. What expensive gadget do you think is totally unnecessary?
3. Are expensive gadgets something you think of often?
1. Wacom Cintiq.
2. Cell phones.
3. No.

1) Would you like to swing on a star?
2) Or would you rather be a fish?
3) Or would you rather be a mule?
Lee Edward McImoyle,
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